Welcome to our Maintenance Issue Reporting and Tracking Tool. This system ensures your maintenance concerns are addressed promptly and effectively, keeping you informed every step of the way.
By using our tool, you ensure a smooth and efficient resolution process for all your maintenance concerns, keeping your property in top condition and avoiding unnecessary costs.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance using the tool. Your satisfaction and the maintenance of your property are our top priorities.
Reporting Maintenance issues should be reported as follows.
For Managed Properties: You have access to a 24/7 Maintenance Team, but in the first instance please follow the guidance below.
Call out categories:
Emergency call out – Response within 24hrs includes.
A Gas Leak. Any smell of gas.
Ringing of any carbon monoxide alarms.
Sudden major water leaks that cannot be isolated by the water main stop tap.
Standard call out- Response within 72hrs.
All other call outs will be responded to as quickly and efficiently as possible, to suit the contract holder & landlords demands.
Any damage caused to any appliance, pipe or component caused by the contract holder or any other 3rd party will not be covered by the landlord and will result in a call out fee charged to the contract holder.
Any call outs that are deemed unnecessary by Move2here will result in a call out charge. i.e. a contract holders misuse of an appliance e.g. Power off to an appliance, room thermostat turned down etc. (this is not an exhaustive list)
Any advice on how to operate an appliance will be available via a telephone or email conversation. During the annual service/inspection visits any system controls or operation instruction can be demonstrated to the customer on request.
Gas Escapes/Smell of Gas.
Do Not
Operate any electrical switches (on or off)
Smoke or use a naked flame
Open doors and/or windows to ventilate the area
Check your gas appliances and turn them off
Turn the gas supply off at the main meter
Telephone the National Grid Emergency Service on 0800 111 999, Please report tusing the link above
If there is a fire on the premises:
IMMEDIATELY activate the fire alarm (if appropriate), evacuating premises
TELEPHONE the Fire Brigade.
ISOLATE the gas supply at the main meter if safe to do so TELEPHONE National Grid Emergency Services on 0800 111 999,
If your Carbon Monoxide Detector is activated: Turn off appliances, or other sources of combustion at once.
Immediately get fresh air into the premises by opening doors, windows and go outside.
Call a qualified gas engineer and have the problem fixed before restarting appliances. National Grid Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
If anyone is experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headaches, dizziness, vomiting, please go to A&E or call an ambulance.
Do not re-enter the premises until it has been aired out and the problem corrected.
Frozen boiler condensate and water pipes.
Any external water pipe should be isolated and drained during the winter months. Condensate pipes installed to building regulations should not freeze. If a condensing boiler drain is to freeze in severe weather conditions and has been installed to building regulations, then at first the contract holder will be given advice on how to defrost a pipe. If a call out is required, it will be treated as a standard call out not an emergency.
Water Leaks.
Any leaks from internal pipe works should be reported, please isolate the pipe works concerned and if you are unable to do so, please use the stop tap and isolate the water to the premises. Any pipes that you are unable to isolate will be dealt within 24 hours.
Bath, shower seals & mould.
Bath, shower seals and mould build up are not emergencies, please report.
Any drainage issues are not emergencies, please report to.
Please report, we will action any report within 72 hours.
Electrical fault.
Unplug all appliances on that problem circuit and switch off any immersion heaters (if you have one). Switch the tripped switch to the ON position and plug in the appliances one by one until the trip goes again. Leave that appliance unplugged, and have it repaired by a qualified electrician.
Don't ignore a circuit breaker that keeps tripping. This is a sign that one of your circuits is getting overloaded on a regular basis. Your circuits are only able to handle up to a certain level of voltage. Beyond this voltage, you run the risk of starting an electrical fire.
Please report, we will action any report within 72 hours.
If the issue is caused by an appliance you have plugged into the electrics the charge will be past to the contract holder.
Electrical consumer board is.
Your emergency gas stop tap is.
Your water stop tap is.
Your Escape route is.